

Week 6, Friday

 Opening of  exhibtions at the Pori art museum.
Street art exhibtions are so amazing.
There were 550 people celebrating the opening. 

Sándor Vály's exhibitions

Street art  exhibitions

And the after party at Monttu


Week 7,

Hi there!
I have been a bit busy lately and very tired in the evenings,
but I'll try to catch up with my blogging routine.
(to write at least once a week)

Yesterday I tried to took pics for my school tasks in Kaleva's cemetery 
There was so much snow and I had high heels
when I got home 
I was covered by snow. 
How lovely!

 Take a photo with snowy background

Take a photo of a room, so that you can see the window and the view outside.

Take a photo outside, so thet there is snow.

Week 50, Old pictures from December

I found this note in my sketches, 
so I decided to publish it here as well.

Christmas at Tampere

December at Old Rauma with cute Ilona and fisheye lens.

Too much time in a car at Turku harbour.


Week 6, Saturday

Valoa festival'12
YO-talo, Tampere

Three great gigs again!!

Burning Hearts

Ewert And the Two Dragons

Husky Rescue