
Week 47

Last week was all about film developing and printing negatives. Our period in school's darkroom is allready halfaway and I am totally addicted to film-fotographing and self-devenloping the pics.
I will definitely continue using our darkroom. After all it is free for us to use. 

During this weekend I have been photographing people in Rauma's old town with Mamiya RB67. 
I am still looking for models, so if you are interested please let me know!

I scanned couple of pictures here, but the colours became totally distorted. Anyways, I hope you can get the idea, even the colours are bad after scanning.... I will take pictures from these pics later, hoping that the colours will be at least a bit better.
I haven't had time to develop the pictures I have taken during the past week, so this there are not many pictures...


Week 46

On One beautiful day
I was  filming with the boys

One of my school works:

Last Thursday in Turku
I saw one of the best gigs of my life.
 I use to say this quite often!

Jaakko & Jay, Klubi, Turku

Turku by night

Saturday was an indescribable
Live music once again.
At this time Krtek and DWNSTRS



Saturday was at first a really frosty night
I think the world looked beautiful when it glittered
and a thin layer of white covered everything.

Some cottage-romantic.
One of the best places in the world is at sitting in front of this fireplace


Week 45

My School Works:

I didn't want to choose eating disorder, domestic violance or anything like that.
It was quite hard to find something I wanted to describe.
All the taboos sounded like clichés to my ears.
Anyhow I decided to choose Plastic Surgery
Might be a cliché too.

Assignment: Everyday still life
(Actually this not my everyday life)

Assignment: Finnish recipé

"Home Sweet Home"?

Once again: Rauma by night
The Sky Was Really Red

Markus saw something interesting.


"Toll due bad dream come true
I lie dead gone under red sky
I feel so alone
Gonna end up a big ole pile a them bones"

Some showcases


Week 44, part II

Saturday night 12 p.m

Some good ideas, once again

Others do planking, we made our own thing!

Week 44

Tampere 1:59 a.m.
A great night after fancy gig

 Fancy gig

Bench in railway station

Photoshop week at school

(We edited some of our own old pictures)

I edited many many more pics, but I feel lazy about sharing them all with you.

Pori, Student Cafe Saikku

Kallo, Pori

Tampere Talo

Saturday night face