
Woolgather's Art

Terveiset Leedistä.
Täällä on mielenkiintoinen  ja huippu ihana mahdollisuus ostaa punnalla taidetta!

"Ever felt enticed by the bright lights and shiny colours of a vending machine and then felt wholly unsatisfied by your purchase, try again. Woolgather's Art Vend is here to dispense something all the more wholesome - art! Vending machines located in public venues dispensing artist multiples or mini artworks adding an exciting intermission and break from your daily routine, providing a little art nourishment.

Join our website by using #woolgatherart through twitter or instagram with your pictures and comments of the artwork you discover inside.

Woolgather have commissioned new works from artists across the UK and are using vending machines to provide a platform for their practice whilst also developing an audience and consumer for the works. Art Vend offers people an art experience amongst everyday life, by placing the machines in public venues such as shopping centres, bars, cafes and at public events, the hope is to maximise the chance of reaching people who may not usually engage with the arts. Ultimately the aim is that the product received will provide a more satisfactory or challenging reward than the standard interaction with a vending machine whilst offering an open door to a contemporary art scene. Art Vend aims to question the commercial value and commodification of artist products and to give space to more informal artistic ideas as opposed to formulaic, finalised grandiose works - with a little room for fun.

This project has been made possible by the support of Leeds Inspired, Leeds City Council, East Street Arts, all the venues that will host the machines and many individual efforts."

Kyseinen seloste on poimittu Woolgather's Art nettisivuilta. Olin kuin pieni lapsi innoissani  myyntiautomaatilla
(jos sitä sillä nimellä suomeksi kutsutaan...).

Punnalla pikkutaidetta, mitähän mahdan saada. 
Otimme yhteensä neljä ja tässä ne nyt ovat: